Kentucky Alcohol Addiction Hotline
Alcohol Addiction Hotline Kentucky
Kentucky Alcohol Addiction Hotline
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percentage of adults engaging in binge drinking in Kentucky was approximately 16.1% in 2019.
Binge drinking is defined as consuming five or more drinks (for men) or four or more drinks (for women) in a short period, usually within two hours.
In 2019, there were a total of 167 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in Kentucky, accounting for 25% of all traffic-related fatalities in the state, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
In 2019, around 25% of high school students in Kentucky reported consuming alcohol within the past 30 days, according to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted by the CDC.
In 2019, an estimated 31,000 people received substance abuse treatment services in Kentucky. Among those, alcohol was the primary substance of abuse for approximately 17,000 individuals.
Kentucky Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Resources
KY HELP Kentucky Operation unite Statewide Call Center
Kentucky Operation UNITE staffs the KY HELP Statewide Call Center, a toll-free line providing personalized, compassionate assistance and resources for Kentuckians seeking help for a substance use disorder and offering support to their families. Individuals seeking treatment for themselves or others as well as family members who have questions or are in need of support.
Recovery Kentucky
Recovery Kentucky was created to help Kentuckians recover from substance abuse, which often leads to chronic homelessness. There are 14 Recovery Kentucky centers across the Commonwealth. They are in Bowling Green, Campbellsville, Erlanger, Florence, Grayson, Harlan, Henderson, Hopkinsville, Morehead, Owensboro, Paducah, Richmond, Somerset, and Knott County. These centers provide housing and recovery services for up to 2,000 Kentuckians across the state.
Angel Initiative, Kentucky State Police
The Angel Initiative is a program started by the Kentucky State Police in 2016 with one goal: save lives. The Angel Initiative is a pro-active approach offering an alternative escape to those battling addiction. Under this initiative, anyone battling addiction can come to any KSP post and get help finding a treatment center. No questions asked.
Find Recovery Housing Now KY
Find Recovery Housing Now KY was created by the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC) as a bona fide agent for the Kentucky Department for Public Health in partnership with the Kentucky Recovery Housing Network, Get Help, and the Fletcher Group and is funded under a cooperative agreement by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
National Alcohol Addiction Hotline
When you call the National Alcohol Addiction Hotline hotline, you can expect a supportive and confidential conversation. We’re here to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide guidance on various alcohol treatment options, including counseling, detoxification programs, rehabilitation centers, and support groups. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions about your health and well-being. Call today (888) 260-0553