New Hampshire Alcohol Addiction Hotline
Alcohol Addiction Hotline New Hampshire
New Hampshire Alcohol Addiction Statistics
Similar to other states, New Hampshire had a prevalence of alcohol use among its adult population. Many residents reported consuming alcohol occasionally or regularly.
Binge drinking was a concern in New Hampshire, with rates at or above the national average. Binge drinking is defined as consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short period, which can lead to various health and social consequences.
The state experienced alcohol-related incidents, including alcohol-involved traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities.
As with many other states, New Hampshire faced challenges with underage drinking. Efforts were made to prevent underage access to alcohol and address the impact of underage drinking on young individuals and communities.
New Hampshire had resources available to address alcohol addiction and provide support for those seeking treatment and recovery. These resources included treatment centers, counseling services, and support groups.
New Hampshire Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Resources
The Doorway New Hampshire
The Doorway a program in New Hampshire that helps people with an opioid use disorder or other substance use disorders. There are 9 Doorway locations, providing single points of entry for people seeking help for substance use, whether they need treatment, support, or resources for prevention and awareness
Recovery Friendly Workplace NH
New Hampshire’s “Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative” promotes individual wellness for Granite Staters by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorder and gives business owners the resources and support they need to foster a supportive environment that encourages the success of their employees in recovery.
211 New Hampshire
211 NH is the connection for New Hampshire residents to the most up to date resources they need from specially trained Information and Referral Specialists. 211 NH is available 24 hours, 365 days a year. Multilingual assistance and TDD access is also available.
New Hampshire Recovery Hub
The goal of the New Hampshire Recovery Hub is to offer New Hampshire residents a reliable source of information and resources at any stage of their recovery journey. Substance use disorders are highly preventable and treatable, and the state is implementing a comprehensive and lasting response to address this epidemic
Today is for Me New Hampshire
Today Is For Me New Hampshire is a health campaign designed specifically for individuals seeking information on staying healthy before, during and after pregnancy. By sharing science-based information about alcohol and marijuana use, this campaign provides information on how these substances affect your body, mind and health and the potential impact on your baby.
The Partnership Drug Free New Hampshire
The Partnership Drug Free New Hampshire envisions a New Hampshire where individuals have the information and skills they need to make and support positive, healthy decisions around the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Together we can help individuals, families, and communities of NH to get informed and get help when they need it.
New Hampshire Center for Excellence on Addiction
The New Hampshire Center for Excellence provides support via expert consultation and technical assistance, to communities, practitioners, policymakers, and other partners as they work to effectively address addiction and to reduce alcohol and other drug misuse and related consequences in New Hampshire.
National Alcohol Addiction Hotline
When you call the National Alcohol Addiction Hotline hotline, you can expect a supportive and confidential conversation. We’re here to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and provide guidance on various alcohol treatment options, including counseling, detoxification programs, rehabilitation centers, and support groups. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and resources necessary to make informed decisions about your health and well-being. Call today (888) 260-0553